This article covers how to :

  • Configure APN for a 4G Pronto Router 

    1. Automatically with Intelligent Templates

    2. Manually by configuring the device APN

  • Clone Uplink templates for additional 4G Routers

Begin by logging in to 

Automatically configure 4G with Intelligent Templates

  1. Add a device to your account.

  2. Under Configuration, Inventory, check the box next to the device you wish to configure.

  3. The submenu option Apply Uplink Template should become available.

  4. Select it, and from the drop down menu, select one of the default templates, or a template you’ve created.

  5. Select the Add button to apply the Uplink template.

Manual configure by setting the device APN

If a router has already been added, and Heartbeated (pinged) once with the cloud controller then the following steps can be followed to manually set an APN

  1. Under Configuration, Inventory, select the blue highlighted MAC ID of your device.

  1. This will take you to the individual device page.

  2. Select Edit Configuration at the top of the device edit page.

  1. Select the blue +Add Uplink button.

  1. Name the Uplink.  Switch the Uplink Type to Mobile Broadband. Each service provider has its own APN settings. For the purposes of this article, we will describe Pronto APN settings

Recommended Settings

  • Service: UMTS

  • APN:

  • Advanced Option: leave unchecked

  • Username: leave empty

  • Password: leave empty

  • DNS Mode: Custom

    • Primary DNS        (Google’s 1st DNS)

    • Secondary DNS        (Google’s 2nd DNS)

  1. Select Save

  2. Only the Uplink for Wired (Ethernet WAN) should have a check under Primary.

  3. Scroll to bottom of device edit page, and select the save button again to complete the APN setup

Cloning existing Uplink Configurations

Prerequisites: You should already have one device in your PCC to clone the uplink.  The device should have the uplink settings you wish to clone. To clone Uplink configuration to a second device:

  1. Select Configuration, Init Templates.

  2. From the top right, select the blue button +Add Init Template.

  1. Name the template, and select Uplink as the Type.

  2. Select the MAC ID of the device, whose uplink configuration you wish to clone.

  1. Select the green Create button to create the clone.

  2. To Apply the clone template, go to Configuration, Inventory.  Check the box next to the device you wish to apply the template to.

  3. From Apply Uplink Template, select the clone template.

  1. Select the Add button to apply the Uplink template.