To configure the DHCP setting for the LAN ports of a pronto router, begin by navigating to Configuration>Network, here make sure you select the Network you are configuring from the dropdown.
Create a new VLAN by selecting the +Add VLAN button.
Begin by configuring the VLAN section
Configure a gateway IP address under IP Address.
Configure the DHCP pool netmask under Netmask.
Configure NAT, Periodic Scan(ARP), DNS Mode, and WAN Network Access as needed, or leave the default settings as is.
Expand DHCP Settings.
Under DHCP Server, switch to Enable.
Set the DHCP Lease Time (in seconds).
Set the DHCP range first and last Host addresses.
If needed, you can map IP address to specific LAN devices here
If you need to setup Captive portal on the LAN ports, select enable in the Captive Portal section and fill out the necessary details
Once the VLAN profile is created to your satisfaction, navigate to Configuration>Network
Click on add a switch.
Select the AP or Devices where you want to apply your VLAN profile
Name the Switch Configuration
Enable/Disable WIred QoS
Select Switch Settings
All Ports Same profile, vs custom profile. Note Custom Profile allows a user to apply different VLAN or DHCP profiles to specific ports of Pronto devices
Once the profiles are set, Click Create Switch Profile to complete the process.